Sunday, 6 November 2016

Autumn Musings

Still a contender for the world's worst blogger, I am back to have another go at "regular blogging".

I was recently introduced to using beautiful planners and journals to plan and record my daily/weekly/monthly goings on and have really enjoyed committing my thoughts, ideas and memories to paper, using art, poetry and quotations to embellish my own mediocre ramblings.
As I delve further into middle age I realise that my brain really does have a finite capacity, most of which is filled with song lyrics (I'm a singer in a band) which I promptly forget when the spotlight is shining on me. So it makes sense to use other means of memory keeping. I am truly loving my new found creative outlet and as I was happily cutting and sticking I recalled I had a dusty old blog somewhere out there in the world wide ether. Of course!! This too is the perfect memory keeper. That was my original intention.

With a quick trip down memory lane I really wish I'd managed a bit more. So in my shiny new planner/journal, under the page headed "goals" I have firmly placed a bullet point entitled "post to my home ed blog once a week". It can't be that hard? Surely?

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