Thursday, 18 September 2014

Diary day 4

Mmmm. It feels like we've not done anything particularly educational today. 

Here's the list of what I can remember:

Early morning play in the park. 
Just Dance on the wii. 
Pretend play. 
A few more sentences written for Bertie Beaver's diary and prayer for faith badge. 
Trip to the library to exchange books. 
Trip to the supermarket to buy play. dough ingredients and utensils for our "project mud kitchen" which is hopefully going to begin this weekend. 
Lunch - made pizza. 
Walk around the woods and another play in a different park. 
Ninja sword warrior play. 
Toilet training. 
Reading stories. 
Building Lego. 
Swimming lesson. 

I'm guessing as the weather turns cooler  (it was another 23+ degrees again today) we'll do more "indoorsy" stuff that might look more like school. But we'd be fools to miss out on learning under the trees whilst the warmth of the fading summer is still with us. 

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